We offer a range of opportunities for children of all ages to worship together, grow in their faith, and have fun fellowship time at FBC.
Sunday Bible Study, 9:45 am:
We have Bible Study opportunities for children of all ages. Babies and toddlers meet on the first floor in the nursery and preschool classrooms. Elementary school children have Bible Study in the children's room on the second floor. Children "move up" to the next aged class as they are developmentally ready.
Babies and Toddlers sing songs and hear Bible Stories together in Room 102.
Elementary School (4K-2nd Grade) aged children focus on a different Bible story each month using a Multiple Intelligences approach to Bible Study. Each week in the month, they learn about the Bible story in a different way: arts, games, drama, and more. They meet in Room 200.
Elementary School (Grades 3-6) aged children learn about a different Bible story each week also using a Multiple Intelligences approach to Bible Study. They also use arts, games, drama, and more to make Scripture come alive! They meet on the 3rd floor.
Sunday Services, 11 am:
Every family is different and so is how they best worship. With that in mind we have multiple ways for your family to participate in worship. Children of all ages are always welcome to stay for the entirety of the worship service.
For children who remain in the sanctuary, worship bulletins and activities are available at the back of the sanctuary to use during worship to help focus their attention.
During the service we have a Children's Moment, which is for children of all ages, and is focused on the same topic as the day's sermon.
After the anthem all children wishing to participate in Children's Church, exit the sanctuary and go to the chapel. Since children learn best by doing, they lead the worship service themselves in Children's Church.
The Church Nursery is also available to families of young children for all or part of the worship service.
Wednesday Services, 5:30 pm:
While the adults have a time of prayer in the Fellowship Hall, children meet in the Church Library for their own Story and Prayer Time.
At 6 pm, children rejoin their families for dinner.
While the adults have Bible Study, children have Music and Missions.
Nursery Care is provided for children who are not old enough for music time.
All children's ministry volunteers are background checked in accordance with the church's Safe Sanctuary policy.
Ministry Programs
Children's Ministry
We offer a range of opportunities for Children of all ages to learn and have fun at FBC.
Annual Events
Vacation Bible School
Terrific Tuesday Summer Activities
Quarterly Fellowship Activities
Fall Festival
Breakfast with Santa